Rassistische Diskriminierung einer Kundin
Meena Kandasamy ist Schriftstellerin aus Tamil Nadu (Indien) und feministische Aktivistin. Wie das Online-Magazin "Daily Vox" aus Johannesburg (Südafrikanische Republik) am 1. Juni berichtete, machte die Lyrikerin rassistische Erfahrungen bei einer Reise in die "weltoffene" Metropole Berlin. Als sie nach einer fünfstündigen Fahrt mit dem Zug am Berliner Hauptbahnhof müde ankam, wollte sie sich zunächst einmal mit einem Snack stärken, wurde aber von dem Verkäufer sogleich als Ladendiebin verdächtigt:"The second/third day I was in Berlin, and in the Hauptbahnof of all places, I was at a little shop on Platform 13 or 14 or somewhere thereabouts. It was around 6ish or thereabouts in the morning. I was travelling for 5 hours by train and I needed to stock up on the food. I got myself a vegan falafel (for lunch), a croissant (for the immediate breakfast), and went towards this cupboard where all the drinks are kept to get myself a coca-cola. No sooner had I turned towards this coke place that I heard the man behind the cash-counter say “Oooooooooooooooooooooooooops” (with an shriek-y intonation that I did not imagine could escape from Germans), I turned and looked at him, Coke in hand, and he said, “I thought you were gonna walk away.” I took the food, went to his counter and asked him, “So you thought I was stealing food?” He now switched to German and never spoke a word of English and was clearly embarrassed and in a hurry to get me done and over with. There it was, being the only brown person in that shop, at such a ridiculously early hour in the morning and being suspected of being a shoplifter. White people can stroll for fucking hours in a store and people will not even politely cough unless it’s closing time or something."