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Logo: Leichte Sprache, von: Inclusion Europe Logo: DGS Deutsche Gebärdensprache
04.12.2023 Koordinierung der Berliner Register

Annual Report 2022 Berliner Register (English Edition)

This is the fifth edition of the annual report of the Berliner Register, now also available in English. This brochure contains our findings from the year 2022.

The Berliner Register offices recorded a total of 4156 extreme right-wing and discriminatory incidents in Berlin. Incidents that rose during the coronavirus pandemic have decreased except for public events and anti-LGBTIQ* incidents, which increased. The incidents reflect societal reactions to global developments, such as the war in Ukraine, climate change and the planned replacement of the discriminatory Transsexual Law in place since 1980 with a right to self-determination.

The incidents documented by the Register Offices reveal the impact of political debates on victims on the street. But they also show how many victims are counteracting them. Every reported incident originates with a person who has observed discrimination and exclusion or experienced and reject it themselves.

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