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Logo: Leichte Sprache, von: Inclusion Europe Logo: DGS Deutsche Gebärdensprache
02.12.2023 Koordinierung der Berliner Register

Annual Report 2020 Berliner Register (English Edition)

This is the third annual report of all Berlin Register Offices, describing the situation in 2020. Every year that we record incidents, the network of people who describe their observations and experiences to us grows. That is partly because awareness of the Register Offices is increasing and partly because the issues that we document are addressed more frequently. The key defining events of the year, which shaped public debates, were certainly the right-wing terrorist attack in Hanau, the coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd in the USA, which shaped the discourse on racism in Germany.

The Berlin-wide evaluation for 2020 includes data from all 12 Berlin districts. 3,822 incidents (2019: 3,277) were recorded by the end of February 2020 by the Register Offices, the victim advice service ReachOut and other cooperation partners. The figures recorded by the Berlin Register Offices for 2020 do not reflect everything that happened, but only the incidents that came to the Register Offices’ attention.

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